Baidu Starts Innovative News Service
When you search on Baidu about a company, one special box appears on top of the news listings. This one box of news collections of focused reports is very innovative and intuitive to read.
The newly started service collects all the hot search keywords listed on the left side followed by a list of all the related web sites of the company.
For example, if you search Google on Baidu, you will see a list of hot search keywords listed as :
1. SP500
2. Baidu
3. 5%
It is followed by related websites
1. Google Earth
2. Google Map
3. Google Talk
On the main content, all the news and reports are categorized by each hot search keyword. You see a list of reports on Google's entry into SP500 index. Then a list of reports on Baidu since almost every report on Baidu has a Google connection and vise versa.
That is followed by "5%" on all the reports about Google's purchase of 5% of AOL.
Another section follows on image related news followed by another section of updated news.
Last section of the contents are selected reports with pictures.
The newly started service collects all the hot search keywords listed on the left side followed by a list of all the related web sites of the company.
For example, if you search Google on Baidu, you will see a list of hot search keywords listed as :
1. SP500
2. Baidu
3. 5%
It is followed by related websites
1. Google Earth
2. Google Map
3. Google Talk
On the main content, all the news and reports are categorized by each hot search keyword. You see a list of reports on Google's entry into SP500 index. Then a list of reports on Baidu since almost every report on Baidu has a Google connection and vise versa.
That is followed by "5%" on all the reports about Google's purchase of 5% of AOL.
Another section follows on image related news followed by another section of updated news.
Last section of the contents are selected reports with pictures.